About me
I'm currently a full-time researcher at the Engineering Faculty of Asunción National University (FIUNA), where I explore interdisciplinary frontiers. My current focus areas include applying Data Science, Bayesian Inference, and Deep Learning techniques to advance Image Processing and Time Series Forecasting/Clustering. Here, I teach Python, C/C++ programming and Artificial Inteligence e courses as part of the undergraduate program.
Previously, I worked as a Research Director at the Paraguayan Space Agency and a research position at the National University of Asunción (FPUNA-NIDTEC ). Although, I still have a colaboration with the scientific computing research team where we currently develop data driven models for mosquitoes evolution
My academic journey began with a Ph.D. at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), where my research was focused in two main projects: (i) Bayesian Surface Photometry Analysis and (ii) the study of the Environmental effects on galaxies probed with MAGGIE. I commenced my Ph.D. in 2013 under the supervision of Reinaldo R. Rosa and Reinaldo R.Carvalho. Thanks to the Brazilian Science Without Borders Scholarship and Gary Mamon (my advisor at the IAP) I was working at the IAP as a visitor. Prior to my doctoral studies, I obtained a Master's degree in Applied Computing and Mathematics at INPE with the project: A new gravitational N-body GPU simulator for Computational Cosmology
Before, I obtained my BA in Electronic Engineering from the National University of Asunción (UNA). My final year project: Optimal boundary control parareal algorithm for cooling electronics circuits, developed under the advice of Christian E Schaerer.
In my spare time: I love cooking, riding bicycles and traveling with my wife Mariam and our soon, Alex :)